Stretching Myself too Thin – or not

I have this thing I like to do where I volunteer for stuff and then realize that I have stretched myself so thin that I end up exhausted and in need of coffee, chocolate and/ or sleep.

Maybe I just need a little bit of stress to be happy? Just a theory. Back in school, I had a neat trick where I would put everything off until close to the last minute and then rush really quickly to get it finished. Nothing motivates you like a looming deadline that could cause you to get bad grades. I did it a lot… until I found the Sailing Team. Once I joined the Offshore Sailing Team, I got my work done immediately so that I would have more time to go sailing. I guess it’s all about priorities.

So, anyway, lately, I have been volunteering my photography skills helping out the Fine Arts department at my school. I really enjoy doing it, but usually all of the different groups end up having performances or competitions around the same time. A few weeks ago, I asked the Director of the Color Guard if they wanted me to come take pictures for them. The Color Guard is kind of like the step child of Fine Arts. It doesn’t get much attention or love. Most people usually assume that they are just a branch of the band and that they only perform during football season. (Admittedly, when I was in high school, that was how it was). But actually, the Color Guard competes on its own outside of football season.

Long story short, I took pictures for the varsity group the other day and will take pictures of Junior Varsity rehearsal, and then I am going to take pictures for them at their competitions on several Saturday afternoons.

Apparently, I still have skills in the area of keeping myself just stressed enough to make life interesting. If only I had a sailboat. Then I wouldn’t have to create stress, I would have plenty of adventures to keep me going.

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